“Get me out of the cage.”
-Genesis, In the Cage, from The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
I used to joke, when describing the course of my life, that I was raised in captivity by liberals. My rural farming family, though mostly nominal Republicans and conservative of habit, never talked politics, or anything, really, of a serious nature. So my beliefs, expectations, and assumptions about life and society, narratives I might now label as “political” in nature, came from the television, from school and schoolmates, from movies and music and books and social media, and from various friends, groups, workshops, and community events I interfaced with as an adult. I was educated and programmed under the same Cabal Curriculum characteristic of the places I lived and the people with whom I associated, from ex-hippies and community builders to the self-help crowd, the spiritual seekers, and the college educated, from East Lansing, Michigan and Chicagoland, Illinois to Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Middlebury, Vermont.
And what did I learn™ during those long decades of captivity? Here are a few things:
I learned™ that politics is mostly inconsequential, irrelevant, stupid, and best ignored, and that voting just encourages them.
I learned™ that things like “Evil” and “Satan” are the bailiwick of gap-toothed yokels and snake-handling Bible-thumpers and are not to be spoken of in polite society.
I learned™ that Southerners, and country folk, and conservatives, and rednecks, and farmers, and hunters, and Republicans, and church goers, and NRA members, and the military, and police officers, and the unwashed and uneducated masses, were all just a little less intelligent and a little more greedy, a little less compassionate and a little more racist, and a little less conscious and a little more mean-spirited, when compared with the good™ liberals, progressives, and Democrats with whom I tended to hang out.
I learned™ that Democrats were definitely the good guys, that the CDC, and my family doctors, were trustworthy heroes, that vaccines and pharmaceuticals were an unquestionable good, that climate change was an existential threat which only the ignorant and foolish doubted, that the infinite growth paradigm was the only way to proceed, and that there was something uniquely bad about my being a tall, smart, white, American male.
I learned™ that UFOs were silly, that the paranormal was suspect, that spiritual choices were mostly a matter of taste and preference, and that scientific materialism was the best and most accurate description of reality.
And here’s the thing. While, in the course of my decades of rabbit-hole spelunking, I had sussed out that many of the above narratives were quite false, and unwarranted by the actual evidence, I’m embarrassed to admit that I hadn’t really figured out the political stuff. Worse, I had failed to delete some of the deep programming that had judged more than half of the people in this country as somehow “deplorable.”
And then my deep dive into the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement happened, and I noticed how the attacks on medical freedom were mostly coming from Democratic state houses in Blue States, and I found myself surrounded by smart, courageous, and dedicated amateur researchers, many of whom were Christians and conservatives and country folk and all those other bad™ things.
And then Donald Trump happened, and I noticed my own automatic and negative reactions, and I had to step back and figure out why this man had been elected, and by whom, and found that these people made a great deal of sense to me when I learned who they actually were, and that most of what I thought I knew about Mr Trump was a lie, as was most of what I thought I knew about Christians and conservative and country folk and all those other bad™ things.
And then the Q Drops happened, and I noticed how major parts of what Q disclosed aligned with my earlier research, and I began to encounter important new narratives and data sets about what was going on behind the geopolitical scene, all coming to me through Anons and Patriots, many of whom were Christians and conservatives and country folk and all those other bad™ things.
And then FLUVID-19 happened, and I noticed how the Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex was lying to us, and I noticed how the Democrats and Liberals were all happily drinking the Big Pharma Kool-Aid, and I found myself surrounded by smart, courageous dissidents and skeptics and amateur researchers, many of whom were Christians and conservatives and country folk and all those other bad™ things.
And then the 2020 Election Steal happened, and I noticed how vast was the data supporting that conclusion, and how obvious the theft had been, and how the mainstream media not only refused to cover it, but censored those who spoke the truth, and by then, I’d pretty much already figured out just how wrong I had been about Donald Trump, and Big Pharma, and the importance of politics, and the people who were Christians and conservatives and country folk and all those other bad™ things.
And slowly, like the dogs who had been traumatized into learned helplessness in a 1960s research study, I was finally coaxed from my electrified cage of indifference and judgment and programmed belief and stepped fully into the conservative I had probably always been, aware of the inherent limitations of human beings and the necessity for societal strictures, skeptical of attempts to manage and control our way to Utopia, more trusting of evolved and traditional cultural institutions than invented ones, and a proponent of the precautionary principle.
It felt really good to be out of that cage.
Daniel Quinn, in his analytic novel Ishmael, when speaking of the 60s youth culture, said of them that though they knew they were in captivity, they could not see the bars of their cage, and so were unable to truly free themselves. His famous fictional gorilla, an avowed expert on captivity, then went on to explain what he thought those bars really were. It has taken me many years to realize that, while perhaps getting significantly closer to the truth, Daniel Quinn himself could not clearly see the bars of the cage either, any more than I could. We had both missed the narrative control piece, the psychological war piece, the presence of real evil, and the true agenda of the occulted Cabal.
I like to think that we Anons now see the bars of the cage with real clarity. I fear that there is still much more work for all of us to do.
But wherever I am on this continuum of clarity and conscious awareness, I’m glad to be here, and glad to be viewing the world through a more political lens. In the past few years, I’ve fallen back in love with the people from whom I came, the smart, courageous, strong, dedicated, giving, and faithful; the Southerners, and country folk, and conservatives, and rednecks, and farmers, and hunters, and Republicans, and church goers, and NRA members, and the military, and police officers whom I had for too long ignored or dismissed as somehow below me.
I feel deeply sorry that it took me so long to understand this fundamental error, and a bit embarrassed that the Cabal had managed to hoodwink me for as long as it did. I apologize for any hurt I’ve caused in my ignorance, and am working as hard as I can to make what amends I can.
And I have to say that, in the end, I’m glad that my life has followed the course it has. Having been so long held captive, having seen the liberal viewpoint from the inside, having lived it, tasted it, felt it, espoused it, I have an understanding of that worldview that leaves me, on the one hand, able to feel compassion for those still trapped in what Elon Musk called “the party of division and hate,” and on the other hand, as Genesis also sang, “immune from all their herbicidal battering,” or at least their attempts to confuse and confound me, gaslight me, cancel me, or silence me.
Because I have lived inside of both of these foundational worldviews, I have the advantage on them. I just have to make sure to not turn this all into a vast judgment against, and dismissal of, the glorious humanity of my Liberal captors. God still loves them, and so must I.
Who am I to think I know better than God?
@ClarenceThe17th on TruthSocial
https://t.me/qclarence on Telegram
Nice Job Clarence! I could feel how you felt in your writing. We’ve all gone different path’s typically but we are still all on the same journey.
Once again another beautiful and heartfelt article. Thank you for sharing.