Hello Clarence,

You said: "You’re wanting to reach and teach sane, smart, fully-functioning human beings who are not terrified, who have largely deprogrammed themselves, and who are simply missing information."

BINGO!! You nailed it.

Since you are attempting to classify people ever so gently, and I admire you for having developed that kind and gently ability, allow me to facilitate your task.

I'm a teacher's teacher, plain and simple. My students are themselves teachers, not just students. Time and experience has proven me largely unsuitable for teaching the masses of ordinary students. My concepts and vision are simply too broad and far reaching for most. For anyone other than a serious teacher my stuff is nothing more than confusing gobbledegook, and that's ok because it's not designed for them. To teach the teachers I use any and all ethical tools at my disposal, including the comments section of many substacks, forums, editorials etc. Once I reach the teachers then it is up to them to digest and disseminate. I can only provide the seeds, and it is up to them to scatter and plant them and to carry the work forward.

I deal with foundations. Those teachers who absorb my teachings, are the ones who then build structures on top of my foundations, and those who study at the feet of these teachers provide the embellishments that make it all presentable and desirable to the masses. It's a group process, a team effort.

So in this context alone, your position vis-a-vis my work, while I personally respect and value it, is of no import to my work. This is a public square that anyone can access. It may turn out that your substack was but useful scaffolding to get another student (someone else who reads these comments) enrolled in my class, as has already happened with another substack that allowed me to make a deep and impactful connection with two other teachers, and we are now doing great work together as a small but potent team of 3. Either way I am making my contribution through the tools at my disposal, and in such a way that my Creator will approve.

Amazing how my comments can stir up such brilliant, authentic and passionate responses from you. You are a gifted thinker and writer Clarence. We need not be the same. Variety is the greatest power in the universe.

When people find ways to coordinate and correlate their efforts so that they are not merely lone islands working independently on the formula of 1 + 1 = 2, but instead add an exponential factor to their respective efforts so that 2 becomes 4 and 4 becomes 16, then they truly reach divine heights of accomplishments.

Most people cannot keep up with my work because they only think in terms of addition. Those who learn to multiply are now entering into my arena, and those who multiply exponentially are indeed kindred spirits.

With all that said, this is still your substack, your creation. I am but a squatter here, one who saw an open door and walked through it. You control that door.

I wish you and the Mrs. a wonderful weekend!

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Well, it wasn't raptors or reptilians that got me, but a short but steep hill covered with melting snow and hiding ice. Took a spill, hit the ground hard, felt my lower back bend back more than usual. No pain or problem since, but I'm wary, because I've had such sudden shocks reverberate through my system before, and so am moving slowly and indulging in epsom salts. Slow, that is, for a fiery kangaroo. 😎

Just re-read this again. I love your explanation of how you see your work. And I love just knowing you're out there, doing your work, adding to the world, adding to the good.

I appreciate your comments about me. I must admit that I flinch away when reading your kind or complimentary words (not sure those are an accurate description). I think, as old as I am, I'm still reeling from the mind-fuckery of assumptions and expectations laid upon me by my family or origin in my early years. It took a long time to find out, figure out, claim, and step into my skills and abilities and inherent capabilities, most of which has unfolded in the last seven years. So sometimes I lapse into imposter syndrome and believe for a moment that I'm the self-taught rube and uncredentialed poser my acculturation would have me believe I am.

I lacked a mentor in my youth. Somebody who could have taken me aside, told me how smart I was, told me of my knacks and abilities, acknowledged my differences, and helped guide me on the path. I might have found my way here sooner.

But I don't want to indulge in regret, or disdain the path I DID take. Because I really like who I have found myself to be, and am having a blast learning and growing and following my fascinations.

Still, your affirmation touches me, and I appreciate it.

I have been re-reading my away through your Planetary Jurisdiction pdf again, and exploring more of your website. I have found, in the three years I've explored various thinkers and analysts in this movement (I never know what to call it), that the concepts and language don't stick in my mind easily at all, and ofttimes leave me a bit confounded. So the material requires repeated chewings. That, in itself, is probably a reason for me to speak and write about this material more, as it's so often in explaining and teaching that I more deeply learn something myself.

Ah well. Enough for now. Don't want to sit in this office chair for too long.

Pax and yo to you and yours, fren.


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I'll choose an uncredentialled autodidact over a wall full of diplomas anyday my friend. Codified institutionalized learning has certain benefits, but never can it compete with original unscripted thought and fluid creativity that self-learning is so good at nurturing.

If you have questions or want clarifications to any of my web site material just go to my Contact page in the top menu bar and drop me a personal note. These notes come to me personally and to no one else, so privacy is assured.

Affirmations are like a cool drink of water when you're working under the scorching sun.

I love hour your own story is unfolding!

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Indeed. At the same time as I regret not getting my ticket stamped by a Cabal institution (coulda got a PhD in research psychology or philosophy!), I'm so glad I missed that particular type of mind control and programming.

After my anthropology BS I spent a year doing Master's work in a Seminary and then got a teacher's certificate for High School science, which I never used. Just never found anything in academia that seemed worth pursuing, or felt right when I tried it. And yet I've never stopped reading and learning and researching.

Good to know re your website. Thanks for that.

More to come!


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Hey, MA11. Apologies for not getting back to this sooner. Keep meaning to... ah well. I do generally struggle with online interaction, as it touches into some trauma I have yet to fully work through. Anyways, this short comment is a form of "throwing my hat over the fence." Having done so, now I have to go get it.

So, a more thoughtful reply later today, unless we are attacked by raptors or abducted by reptilians. These days, nothing is for certain! 😎


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Poirot was right, "there are too many clues", but what to do about it?

Clues are like branches. Henry David Thoreau wrote: "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."

"One can be technically right as to fact and everlastingly wrong in the truth."

The branches are the facts (the too many clues), but only the root contains the truth. And the truth can stand on it own without that endless array of confusing and fluttering facts.

The brainwashing, the mind control, the distortions, the inversions, the deceptions, misdirections, and endless distractions are all part of the branches and the plethora of fluttering leaves they produce (plethora, how's that for a word). The truth is NOT FOUND THERE. It is an evil that was long ago planned and set up that way, with malice aforethought. A cage-like trap was devised and unleashed on mankind. That cage is made up of the "too many clues", the bait is "the facts", and the trigger is the "fear" of what lies outside this trap. Oh no don't go out there, it's full of conspiracy theories out there!! How easily triggered are the masses today?!

The truth is in the root, not the branches, not the leaves, not even the trunk, although the trunk leads directly to the root, whereas the leaves and branches do not.

You can't have it both ways. You can't be going after the root while also swinging from the branches and playing with the leaves. You have to pick one or the other. The decision is a simple one. Do you want to be entertained? Then go with the branches. Or, do you want the truth? Then you must go with the root.

I chose to go for the root. Took me a while to find it, dig it out, clean it, and have a really good look at it. And once I did everything became apparent, confusion cleared up like a morning fog, the light suddenly allowed me to see the truth. That truth is a beautiful thing, and also very simple. What is complicated is swinging from the branches and grasping at the leaves. Too many clues.

Here's the root, all dug up, cleaned up and on display for anyone interested.


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Hey, MA11.

IRL, Mrs C and I are healers by profession. Viewing our work a psychological and spiritual lens. My point, with Life After Wartime, is to look ahead to when the current “war” is “over,” to see and understand people’s present and past-based wounding, trauma, programming, acculturation, conditioning, etc, and to ponder the great healing work ahead of us, which will take centuries, depending on one’s assumptions. I might even help a few people along on their healing journeys.

As a healer, one thing I think I know is that fear, as Frank Herbert wrote, is the mind-killer. By which I mean that fear destroys human cognitive functioning like pretty much nothing else. I think shame is a close second. So in interactions with others (clients, friends, readers, etc) I am cognizant of the importance of not provoking or exacerbating excessive fear or shame. Some of the animal healers I've watched go to great lengths to calm their animal clients, because they know that they cannot reach them at the cognitive, learning level when they are terrified. Humans certainly work in the same way, in my experience. It's all limbic. A matter of limbic resonance and limbic revision. A GENERAL THEORY OF LOVE is a great read in this regard.

Now, I have a friend, an activist, who's convinced that "the root," the fundamental issue or lie surrounding the alleged deadly pandemic, is that the existence of viruses has never been demonstrated by actual scientists, any more than the etiological connection between an alleged "virus" and an alleged "disease" has been demonstrated scientifically. I have spent at least three years looking into these claims, and consider them largely correct at this point. Which is why I say that, to my mind, we're heading to a time when germ theory and the allopathic model will both be tossed wholesale into the dustbin of history.

But... in terms of my local conversations or my social media or my Substack, I don't much go into “the virus question” at all. I see little profit in doing so, as do others I know. The topic is pretty much guaranteed to turn off the minds of anyone not ready™ to hear it, and when I speak and write, I'm aware of all the people in my life, loved ones and dear ones included, who fall into that "not ready™” category. While they are largely unaware of it, the reason their minds “turn off” is that these already traumatized people are further terrified by the notion that we’ve all been lied to this thoroughly, and by such Bad Actors, who really do not have our best interests at heart. Terrified to be so wrong. Ashamed to have been so fooled. This fear/shame, which I call the micro-panic because it moves through people at lightning speed, quickly morphs into anger, disgust, judgment, ridicule, confusion, withdrawal, and a bunch of other emotional states that are easier for them to hold inside than fear. I’ve written about this unacknowledged terror before.

So mostly I choose to remain silent, or I monitor my words carefully, when I adjudge that the full telling of what I see as “the truth” will just further terrorize people, and accept that this process of apocalypse is very tender, and must move slowly, and is largely out of my hands, and trust that the great WE, which includes ALL of the voices at the table, from the Cosmos all the way down to lil’ ol’ Tony Fauci, will figure it out in God’s good time, and that my job, as I said before, is simply to show up and add my voice to the conversation, and to show up with people and see where they are, and to express and be in ways that might calm their pounding animal hearts such that they can begin to think again, and then to speak slowly of what I see and think and know in a way that doesn’t startle them. The world itself, and the Cabal, are working overtime to red pill the people in a slow but insistent way these days. I don’t have to worry about pushing that agenda anymore.

All of which I’ve had to learn the hard way over many years with many people and in many groups. Now I’m learning it inside this “movement,” where many/most people have little idea how confused and programmed they truly are, and little idea how much data and analysis they have never even seen, and how many of their assumptions and beliefs, even now, even as they consider themselves “awakened,” are still unwarranted by the data points. All of which I know because I’ve been doing this work of self-deprogramming for decades - alone, with Mrs Clarence, with others, and with groups - and STILL have old programming I have yet to discard. Most people are not yet “ready” for the deepest reveals, I think. I see when their eyes glaze over or they go away. A few are, and when I find such folks I’ll open my mouth and hand them enough information to get them started. And lots of times there’s no real way to know. I do my best.

So while I get that your comment is a statement of how it is for you, your premises and assumptions and conclusions do not resonate with me. You are speaking of what you are called to, how you choose to operate in the world, and how you see the situation. To my mind, these are what I call “pronouncements,” personal assessments, conclusions, and opinions languaged as universal truths. But I see these “universal truths” written nowhere in the manifest world, nowhere but in the minds and words of human beings.

What constitutes the “root” or “truth.” Where the truth is found and not found. Which things lead to the truth and which do not. The idea that you can’t have it both ways, that you can’t go after both at the same time, that you have to pick one or the other. The judgment that the “branches” are entertainment. The further judgment that the root is the way of truth. The underlying assumption that there’s a single truth, that you have found it, that one must go after it, that there’s a right way to go after it. To my mind, all of these narratives and premises are, in the end, simply strong beliefs you have, assessments and conclusions arising from your hard work, and all your years of study. And while your work and study surely deserve notice and acclimation, I am not in agreement with you that your way of seeing and doing the world is the right way, the true way, the best way, or that it needs to be my way. My way is apparently quite different from yours. I’m not going to take on that it is somehow mere “entertainment.”

That said, I agree with you in many ways. These matters of law and sovereignty and jurisdiction really ARE one of the fundamental issues of our present situation, and are of vital import. You are RIGHT to have spent so much time and energy working to see and understand what happened and how it works at this level. You should be HONORED and CELEBRATED for the good work you’ve done here. And in a sane world, you would have found a huge audience, and had a vast impact. But then, in a sane world, we wouldn’t have gotten to this point in the first place.

But we don’t live in a sane world, do we? Most of the people here have been terrorized to a state of confusion and are unable to think clearly. Which may be why your work chopping at the root of the tree has not, yet, in and of itself, provided the magic key that would solve the problem™ and restore us™ to sanity. Which is why, were I to spend all of MY time chopping at the root of the tree, that would not provide the magic key either. It simply doesn’t work that way. Not here. Not now. Not with human animals. Not from what I can see. Because it’s not just a matter of bad or wrong or missing information and concepts, I don’t think, though all of that is important. It’s a matter of bodies and hearts and emotions and sensations as well, a matter of attachment and belonging and exile and terror and annihilation, a matter of limbic systems gone haywire.

So maybe that’s the key difference between us. I’m mostly trying to calm terrified animals, and to help them feel safe enough to look around at the things that have frightened them, and to see a little further down the road than they now see. You’re wanting to reach and teach sane, smart, fully-functioning human beings who are not terrified, who have largely deprogrammed themselves, and who are simply missing information. This seems to be a much smaller population. I think both works are important. And I think you can do both, depending on your audience.

I remain forever thankful to the friend who made a simple comment on Facebook years ago, a comment that set me down the path to suss out the virus question. I was ready, and he opened his mouth, and it was all I needed. I think there are people in my life who will be forever thankful that I didn’t push anything on them, and just let them move as slowly as they needed to.

In the end, while I sometimes harbor hopes of having some big impact on the world as a whole, mostly I feel like my best work is to preach to the choir, which is why I gave up actively red-pilling, convincing, persuading, cajoling, and trying to teach normies some time ago. As one of my favorite TV sheiks said, “Our cause is to serve God’s servants.” That’s what we do as healers. As medics on the battlefield of the Great Awakening.

Seems like enough to me.

Your mileage may vary.

Pax, fren. C

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