What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it.
-Salvador Dalí
I want to talk about confusion, the fostering of which has been one of the primary methods the Cabal has employed to try to destroy humanity. Lately I’ve begun to get a more bodyfelt sense of this phenomenon. I notice myself noticing it more, this attempt to confuse. I notice a strangely-tattered flinching feeling inside when I encounter it, as if I’m in the presence of the demonic. I think it shows up in that gray mental cloud I mentioned last time.
I’m trying to bust that cloud apart.
My intention is to break this essay up into multiple shorter parts, and take on this matter of confusion from a number of angles. I’m going to include a number of trenchant quotes in this series. A few might seem a bit on the lengthy side, but I think you’ll find them worthy of your time.
I incorporate the quotes primarily in order to further the conversation I want to have. But they also give me a chance to use the word trenchant, something I don’t think I’ve ever done in a piece of writing.
How fun is that?
Here’s the first quote.
TLDR: Staged and Confused.
The plot of Agatha Christie's novel, Murder on the Orient Express, will help you understand the story of The Brotherhood of Darkness. The murder took place on the elegant passenger train that traveled between Istanbul and Paris, linking the mystery of the East with the rationalism of the West. Agatha Christie's book was eventually made into a motion picture with… Albert Finney who played the part of Inspector Poirot.
Shortly after the movie began, a group of passengers boarded the Orient Express in Istanbul. Among them was Inspector Hercule Poirot, a world-famous Belgian detective, and Mr. Ratchet, a wealthy man traveling with his secretary and butler. Shortly after the train departed, Mr. Ratchet approached Inspector Poirot and told him that someone had threatened to kill him. He offered the Inspector fifteen thousand dollars to protect him until they reached Paris, but Inspector Poirot refused.
The train entered a tunnel, the movie screen went black, and when the lights came back on, Mr. Ratchet had disappeared. The next morning he was found stabbed to death in his compartment. A railroad official asked Inspector Poirot to solve the crime, so he went to Mr. Ratchet's compartment and began searching for clues. Everywhere he looked he found conflicting evidence, and he suddenly realized that the murder scene had been staged to confuse him. At that point he paused, surveyed the crime scene, and commented:
"There are too many clues."
-Dr Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness, Hearthstone Publishing, 2000
Our current culture is a crime scene. It has been so for millennia.
I’m guessing you are all well aware of this.
Humans have spent decades and centuries searching for clues about the murderers, means, and motive, but we’re only just recently, some of us, realizing that this global “murder scene” has, indeed, been staged in order to confuse us.
There are too many clues.
It’s nice, at least, that some of us now see that.
And let’s take a moment to honor the few researchers who figured this out a long time ago.
But we’re still faced with the dilemma of Inspector Poirot. Everywhere we look we find conflicting evidence and attempts to confuse. Name a topic of interest to those comprising the Great Awakening and you’re pretty much guaranteed that swarming about the actual data points of this issue you’ll find misinformation, disinformation, misdirection, obfuscation, bots, fact-checkers, propaganda, lies, censorship, clearance levels, unsourced quotes, rumors, accusations, arguments, insults, slander, ridicule, memory lapses, black-pilling, insinuation, denials, excuses, fabrications, smear campaigns, fear mongering, whistleblowers, experts and authorities, conflicting analyses, explanation proliferation, predictive programming, doctored or padded data sets, missing documentation, photoshopped images, official denial, outright but obscured admissions of goals and guilt, and an officially endorsed and enforced narrative.
And there are so very many “topics of interest…”
As much as we now know, there is still so little that we really “know.” Puzzle pieces we have a-plenty, but which ones fit into the actual picture, and which ones do not, and how they really fit together… well, we’re still working on that. The Cabal has taken the pieces from a thousand different 1000-piece puzzles and shaken them all together in one huge box.
We may need a much larger card table…
Let’s go back and finish the Monteith quote.
TLDR: It’s All By Design.
In many respects that is what is happening today. We are threatened by terrorism, biological warfare, environmental catastrophe, global warming, acid rain, water shortages, nuclear attack, aliens from outer space, genetically altered foods, Y2K, new diseases, an imploding social system, rising crime, moral decay a failing educational system, and dozens of other real or imagined dangers. When we try to determine who, or what, is responsible for our problems, we are overwhelmed with facts and become confused.
Psychologists call our condition cognitive dissonance. Pavlov produced a similar state in dogs. He found that if he conditioned them to salivate in response to the sound of a buzzer, then conditioned them to salivate in response to the sound of a bell, and then conditioned them to salivate in response to a third sound, when all three sounds were transmitted together, the animals became confused and withdrew from reality.
Pavlov's dogs lived in a laboratory where they were monitored. We live in a society where almost everything we see, hear, and read is monitored by those who control the media. Before we can confront our problems effectively, we must understand that someone, or some group, is manipulating our reality. We must free ourselves from their control and discover the truth.
-Dr Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness, Hearthstone Publishing, 2000
Take Monteith’s list of “dangers” and multiply it by a hundred, at least. That’s the world so many of we goodfolk are now seeing. And the unawakened™ and misinformed are surrounded now by an explosion of media sources and addictive devices that have confused them to the point where they’ve chosen to withdraw from reality, and have left them lying in a pool of their own Pavlovian spittle.
And even we awakened™ still have blind spots, unwarranted assumptions, and remaining bits of programming we need to uninstall. I know I sure do.
And that has been a bit of a problem, neh? Seems to me we can’t, as a society, make much headway in confronting the Dark Ones if we constantly withdraw from reality in confusion. This is what gave the [Deep State] the edge for so long. The Cabal has been doing everything in its power to limit or destroy people’s cognitive functioning.
Read just one book on the occulted history and activities of the Freemasons, for example. It might just make your brain hurt. This Cabal thingy is vast. It reaches into everything. And it’s been in existence for a very, very long time. Notice all those italics? I’ll switch to exclamation points! And CAPITALS! This thing is BIG! The list of known suspects is as LONG as my arm, and that’s using an 8pt font! The array of murder weapons would fill a STADIUM! And the Cabal has now, as the good people at Sherwin-Williams say, COVERED the Earth!
It’s not just Mr Green in the Conservatory with the Lead Pipe anymore. This is real life. And the criminals have staged the game board to try and befuddle us all. And it’s been working. Something this big and this old and this complex is pretty much unthinkable for most people. Add to that the nature of the Cabal’s crimes and it all becomes so disturbing, so unreal, that people simply cannot think about it. For me it’s like that gray, cotton-stuffed feeling I get in my head and body whenever I encounter the complexities of modern financial instruments, only on steroids.
Such is the power of the Big Lie.
And this is an actual tactic used by real-life murderous conspiracies we can see in action in the world, like the Son of Sam cult. It turns out, if insiders are to be believed, that some of those murders were randomly committed in order to distract, bewilder, and confuse the police, to keep law enforcement from properly investigating those few murders which were specifically targeted by the cult for a reason.
And they got everyone thinking it was a lone nut with a 44 caliber Bulldog.
But some of us now see what the Cabal has been doing. What they’re still doing. What they’re going to keep on doing until they can’t do it any more. Some of us are learning to not salivate at every ring of the bell. And some of us are getting better at sorting through the too-many clues.
And, as a movement, and with the power and help of whomever-all is working behind the scenes, we’re doing so well now, it seems, that we’ve got the criminals on the run. Almost as if there’s not really anything that can keep the criminals’ demise from coming…
Oh, look! This piece fits right here!
Next time: Confusion and the Crimson King.
@ClarenceThe17th on TruthSocial
https://t.me/qclarence on Telegram
Hello Clarence,
You said: "You’re wanting to reach and teach sane, smart, fully-functioning human beings who are not terrified, who have largely deprogrammed themselves, and who are simply missing information."
BINGO!! You nailed it.
Since you are attempting to classify people ever so gently, and I admire you for having developed that kind and gently ability, allow me to facilitate your task.
I'm a teacher's teacher, plain and simple. My students are themselves teachers, not just students. Time and experience has proven me largely unsuitable for teaching the masses of ordinary students. My concepts and vision are simply too broad and far reaching for most. For anyone other than a serious teacher my stuff is nothing more than confusing gobbledegook, and that's ok because it's not designed for them. To teach the teachers I use any and all ethical tools at my disposal, including the comments section of many substacks, forums, editorials etc. Once I reach the teachers then it is up to them to digest and disseminate. I can only provide the seeds, and it is up to them to scatter and plant them and to carry the work forward.
I deal with foundations. Those teachers who absorb my teachings, are the ones who then build structures on top of my foundations, and those who study at the feet of these teachers provide the embellishments that make it all presentable and desirable to the masses. It's a group process, a team effort.
So in this context alone, your position vis-a-vis my work, while I personally respect and value it, is of no import to my work. This is a public square that anyone can access. It may turn out that your substack was but useful scaffolding to get another student (someone else who reads these comments) enrolled in my class, as has already happened with another substack that allowed me to make a deep and impactful connection with two other teachers, and we are now doing great work together as a small but potent team of 3. Either way I am making my contribution through the tools at my disposal, and in such a way that my Creator will approve.
Amazing how my comments can stir up such brilliant, authentic and passionate responses from you. You are a gifted thinker and writer Clarence. We need not be the same. Variety is the greatest power in the universe.
When people find ways to coordinate and correlate their efforts so that they are not merely lone islands working independently on the formula of 1 + 1 = 2, but instead add an exponential factor to their respective efforts so that 2 becomes 4 and 4 becomes 16, then they truly reach divine heights of accomplishments.
Most people cannot keep up with my work because they only think in terms of addition. Those who learn to multiply are now entering into my arena, and those who multiply exponentially are indeed kindred spirits.
With all that said, this is still your substack, your creation. I am but a squatter here, one who saw an open door and walked through it. You control that door.
I wish you and the Mrs. a wonderful weekend!
Poirot was right, "there are too many clues", but what to do about it?
Clues are like branches. Henry David Thoreau wrote: "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."
"One can be technically right as to fact and everlastingly wrong in the truth."
The branches are the facts (the too many clues), but only the root contains the truth. And the truth can stand on it own without that endless array of confusing and fluttering facts.
The brainwashing, the mind control, the distortions, the inversions, the deceptions, misdirections, and endless distractions are all part of the branches and the plethora of fluttering leaves they produce (plethora, how's that for a word). The truth is NOT FOUND THERE. It is an evil that was long ago planned and set up that way, with malice aforethought. A cage-like trap was devised and unleashed on mankind. That cage is made up of the "too many clues", the bait is "the facts", and the trigger is the "fear" of what lies outside this trap. Oh no don't go out there, it's full of conspiracy theories out there!! How easily triggered are the masses today?!
The truth is in the root, not the branches, not the leaves, not even the trunk, although the trunk leads directly to the root, whereas the leaves and branches do not.
You can't have it both ways. You can't be going after the root while also swinging from the branches and playing with the leaves. You have to pick one or the other. The decision is a simple one. Do you want to be entertained? Then go with the branches. Or, do you want the truth? Then you must go with the root.
I chose to go for the root. Took me a while to find it, dig it out, clean it, and have a really good look at it. And once I did everything became apparent, confusion cleared up like a morning fog, the light suddenly allowed me to see the truth. That truth is a beautiful thing, and also very simple. What is complicated is swinging from the branches and grasping at the leaves. Too many clues.
Here's the root, all dug up, cleaned up and on display for anyone interested.